I had mentioned to my children that tomorrow would be "Cinco de Mayo," and I very briefly described what that holiday is. Then I had a brilliant idea (or so I thought).....we could make pinatas! Maddie and Amelia and I had done this several years ago and I also had done this with students when I taught Spanish many moons ago. I enjoy it a lot! I then thought we could have a "fiesta" with some friends where we would break the pinatas, have some Mexican food, and speak a little Espanol. All good so far. The kids were into the idea and excited to have the fiesta.
This was over the weekend. So, I bought some cheap white flour (no need to use organic for pinatas, I think) and brought out the balloons. I was ready.
Today, after our weekly book club, I thought we could begin. I mixed up the papier mache because Maddie and Amelia were busy on Webkinz and Ben and Leah were watching a "Maisie" video that they picked up at the library this morning. After the video, Ben and Leah came running in excited to begin. We blew up the balloons (Leah's lungs are powerful!) and then I showed them what we would be doing. No way! They were outta there like a flash! Too messy, I guess or maybe Webkinz held more appeal. Well, I really enjoy the feeling of using papier mache so I started myself and just enjoyed the time alone.
After they were done with Webkinz, I thought that Maddie and Amelia would be excited to join me. Well, again, I was wrong. Maddie was interested and covered one balloon. Amelia was only interested in playing chess, which Mike had taught her yesterday and she taught me today (no, I never learned how to play......it always bothers me and I'm so glad that Amelia was able to finally teach me today!). So, I enjoyed covering the remaining balloons alone and then joined Amelia for a game of chess.
As always, the children are teaching me. They have their own ideas about what they want to do. I am always being reminded of this...you'd think I'd learn this particular lesson by now! When they are excited about something, they are so motivated.....these days, Webkinz comes to mind. But, today, they were also excited about chess (Ben and Amelia and me), making My Little Pony clothes (Maddie), playing with marbles (Leah), reading books from the library (everyone!), photography (Ben and me)........
p.s. Though they didn't want to make pinatas today, I feel fairly certain that they will still enjoy decorating the finished pinatas, inviting over some friends, breaking open the pinatas and running for candy, and sharing in some bunuelos and chocolate (which they will most definitely help make!). :)
how many webkinz does ben have?